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He is a journalist’s journalist: intensely curious, extraordinarily
intelligent, passionate about his work and dedicated to his craft.

— Bruce Gellerman, Acting Host, Living on Earth

Dan started his writing career in journalism by writing print stories for magazines, including Discover, The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine and Rolling Stone. The term “print” is still used but at a time when almost every journalistic product that is printed is also read on a screen the concept is losing its meaning. Dan began producing electronic media products, including radio features and multimedia websites, when there still was a distinction between print and cyber. He still writes occasional print and “print-like” products that are primarily text, such as a report for MSNBC on the impact of global warming on the Adélie penguins of the Antarctic Peninsula and a profile of ecologist William Fraser and his book A Scientist’s Guide to Talking with the Media.

Dan has written one book and dozens of print articles on a wide variety of topics. You can read many of them by clicking on the links below.

Colony of Antarctic Penguins nears Extinction, MSNBC.org, September 2007
A Scientist’ Guide to Talking with the Media: Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists,
Rutgers University Press, 2006
Observing Those Who Observe, Neiman Reports, Winter, 2005 (download document)
Spring Forward, Scientific American, January 2004 (download document)
Parched Turf Battle, Scientific American, December 2002 (download document)
Throw the Switch, Scientific American, March 2002 (download document)
On Thin Ice, Audubon, December, 2003
Dissent in the Maelstrom, Scientific American, November, 2001 (download document)
(Included on list of “other notable science and nature writing,” in Best American Science and Nature Writing of 2001)
One Disaster after Another, Scientific American, February 2001 (download document)
Persistence and Intensity, The Reed Magazine, November 1996 (download document)
The Biosphere Below, Earth, June, 1995 (download document)
Charge!, Science World, April 7, 1995
Weather Vigil, Earth, December 1994 (download document)
Hanford and Its Early Radioactive Atmospheric Releases, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, January 1994
A Case of Nerves, Discover, November 1993
Welcome to Boston, The Boston Globe Magazine, April 18, 1993 (download document)
The Ghost of Fat Man, Boston, March 1993
Over There: The U.S. Military’s Toxic Reach, Rolling Stone, November 28, 1991 (download document)
A Tree Dies in Boston, The Boston Globe Magazine, May 12, 1991
The Price of Power: Examining the Hidden Cost of New England’s Demand for Energy, The Boston Globe Magazine, August 26, 1990 (download document)
Neo-Luddites: Don’t Just Say Yes to Technology, Utne Reader, March/April, 1990
Fluoride’s Revenge, The Progressive, December 1990 (download document)
Why the Environment Isn’t a Market, Technology Review, July 1989
Toxic Secrets, Boston, November 1989 (download document)
Pollution Indoors, Technology Review, May/June 1989
A Nuclear Dump: The Experiment Begins, Discover, March 1989 (download document)
Technology’s Crystal Ball, Technology Review, November/December 1988
The Strategy of the Cork, Amicus Journal, Spring 1988
Engineering the Environment, Technology Review, October 1988
Critics Skeptical of USDA Biotech Meetings, The Scientist, February 8, 1988
The Year of Living Competitively, Technology Review, November/December 1987
New Jersey Cleans Up its Act, Technology Review, April 1986
Citizens versus Chemical Warfare, Technology Review, October 1985